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Fundamentals of Drones & UAV Operations

Language: English

Instructors: Prof. Subhashis Modak

₹1499 66.71% OFF



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Course Curriculum

Introduction (3:00) Preview
Unit 1: What are UAVs and their Classifications?
1.1) What is a Drone? (1:00)
1.2] What is a UAV? (5:00)
1.3] History of UAV (4:00)
1.4] UAV Categories (3:00)
1.5] Classification of Drones (3:00)
Unit 1 Quiz
Unit 2: Parts of UAV
2] Parts of UAV (4:00)
Unit 2 Quiz
Unit 3: Payloads
3.0] What are Payloads? (1:00)
3.1] Active Payloads (4:00)
3.2] Passive Payloads (1:00)
Unit 3 Quiz
Unit 4: Business Use Cases of UAV
4.0] Business Use Cases of UAV (11:00)
Unit 4 Quiz
Unit 5: Applications of UAVs
5.0] Applications of UAVs (16:00)
Unit 5 Quiz
Unit 6: Building a Career in UAVs
6.0] Building a Career in UAVs (8:00)
Conclusion (1:00)

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